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3M CUNO大流量过滤器

单价: 2000.00
品牌: 未填写
销量: 累计出售 0
评价: 已有 0 条评价
人气: 已有 1770 人关注
更新: 2021-11-12
数量: 减少 增加件 库存500件
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The CUNO High Flow Filtration System is an advanced design that uses value="3" tcsc="0" unitname="m" w:st="on">3M Innovation and CUNO’s extensive filtration experience to deliver a high flow filter in a compact housing design. When compared to conventional cartridge systems, this system provides the following advantages:

High Flow Capability:

The unique construction of CUNO High Flow Filters (patentpending) permits flow rates of up to 500 gpm in a single cartridge.

The results Fewer filter elements to accommodate your flowrequirements. In fact, the CUNO High Flow Filtration Systemrequires as few as one-tenth the number of elements ascompetitive value="2.5" tcsc="0" unitname="”" w:st="on">2.5” pleated cartridges (see Figure 1).

Compact Design:

Using fewer elements combined with an outside-to-in flow path enables a reduction in the size of housing required for your application. The CUNO High Flow Housing takes up as little as one-half the size of competitive housings for a given flow rate.

The result is lower capital investment costs and a compact footprint that saves valuable plant space (see Figure 1).

Ease of Use:

The CUNO High Flow Filtration System is designed with ease-of-use in mind. From a user-friendly,ergonomically designed handle that makes cartridge installation and removal easier without the use of special tools or other hardware, to a unique "twist-to-lock" cartridge seating mechanism that provides a positive seal, the CUNO High Flow System facilitates easy operation and maintenance of your filter system.

value=3M相关技术咨询或设备选型,请咨询南京科迩沃公司技术部,并索取value=3M CUNO过滤器产品电子样本。

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